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Check mark at a management review meeting demonstrating implementing an ISO program

Ep. 1: ISO and Quality Management Systems in Operations Video

During the first episode of the ISO and Quality Management Systems (QMS) series, we discuss the foundation of implementing a Quality Management System.

Person holding a tool in an operating demonstrating a quality management program

Episode 2: Quality Management Systems, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance

In this episode we explain the structure of a quality management system, and how to properly develop a functioning quality program within an operation.

Demonstrating a management review meeting in an ISO program

Episode 3: Critical Quality Metrics & KPIs

In this episode we focus on the specific verification concepts within operations that are used in complex quality management systems, namely critical quality metrics and key performance indicators used to monitor processes and verify the effectiveness of the quality management system.

Training requirements for QA and QC personnel in any operation

Episode 4: Training of QA & QC, Critical Quality Metrics, & Key Performance Indicators

In this episode, we are going to discuss training requirements for quality control personnel and compare them with the training requirements for quality assurance personnel involved with the quality management system. We are also going to touch on specific ISO training recommendations for organizations pursuing or maintaining ISO certification.

Demonstrating a management review meeting in an ISO program

Episode 5: Internal Auditing, Top Management Review of the QMS, Critical Quality Metrics, & KPIs

In this episode we discuss the primary review functions of a quality management system, which is the internal audit and the management review of the quality management system, critical quality metrics performed as part of quality control checks, and the key performance indicators that are part of the quality assurance function of operations.

Episode 6: ISO Quality Management Systems

In this episode we are going to focus on ISO certification as it connects to QA and QC actions. We will continue to use the framework of critical quality metrics and their direct connection to quality control, as well as key performance indicators linked to quality assurance within the quality management system, and through that lens we can understand the basic framework of ISO.

Episode 1: Introduction to Dietary Supplements

We will start with some background on the difficult issues that surround dietary supplements and the big picture regulatory requirements in managing a properly functioning dietary supplement program.

Episode 2: Regulatory Framework of Dietary Supplements

In this episode we are going to introduce the regulatory framework by which dietary supplements are manufactured, and how regulations for dietary supplements differ from food products.

Episode 3: Best Practices for Dietary Supplement Operations

In this episode, we are going to explore the critical document system required in all dietary supplement manufacturing, the master manufacturing record, or the MMR.

Dietary supplements in bowls

Episode 4: Testing in a Dietary Supplement Program

In this video we cover the requirements for testing in dietary supplement programs and how to ensure that your program is designed to meet regulatory requirements of 21 CFR 111 and GMP requirements from 21 CFR 117 as they apply to dietary supplements.

Episode 5: GMPs in a Dietary Supplement Program

This episode focuses on the prerequisite programs and good manufacturing practices, or GMPs, that support the systems we’ve already discussed to operate a properly run dietary supplement facility.

Episode 6: Dietary Supplement Certification

In this episode, we are going to survey the certification programs for dietary supplements and the basic expectations for facilities choosing to undergo certification.

an introduction to key performance indicators with finger pointing at KPI letters in Bold.

Episode 1: An Introduction into Key Performance Indicators

In this episode we define what Key Performance Indicators are, why they are important to our business, and what the basic categories of KPIs are.

Setting up your systems for KPIs

Episode 2: Setting up Your System for KPIs

This episode discusses how to establish KPIs, where to look in the business to determine which indicators are best, and how to establish the proper review processes for KPIs.

Key performance indicator graph

Episode 3: KPIs in Operations

In this episode we are going to focus on setting KPIs to examine operations and the core manufacturing actions of the business.

Interpreting KPIs in a Management meeting

Episode 4: Collecting and Interpreting KPIs

In this episode we are going to look at the critical actions to record the data in a meaningful way and interpret the data to effectively understand if the company is functioning properly.

Reviewing KPIs at a computer desk in a factory.

Episode 5: KPIs for QMS and GFSI Programs

In this episode we are going to discuss practically how key performance indicators are handled in quality and safety management systems and what auditors will be looking for in properly functioning programs.

Validation and verification of in a food manufacturing facility. weighing food on a scale.

Episode 1: Introducing Validation and Verification

The concepts of validation vs. verification are commonly confused. During the course of this video series we will clarify these topics using examples from our experience in food safety & quality assurance and we will explain the differences between validation and verification.

person pointing a finger showing Invalid Processes and Signs of Invalidation.

Episode 2: Invalid Processes and Signs of Invalidation

In this video we are going to further define what validation is by looking at what it is not. What I mean here is that we are going to talk about broken or damaged processes

Woman looking at a binder and inspecting for validation and verification of a food safety and quality program.

Episode 3: Long Term Planning of Validation and Verification

In this episode of our Validation and Verification series, we focus on the long term aspects of validation within organizations and the best ways to approach and plan for improving these larger aspects of an organization when invalid conditions are found or where improvement is sought.

Validation and Verification of Ice cream equipment in a factory.

Episode 4: Short Term Planning for Validation and Verification

In this video we will focus on short term validation in the facility, which we want to perform annually. Validation within this time frame generally addresses the requirements found in safety and quality programs.

Validation and verification processes while making cheese in a food factory

Episode 5: Validation and Verification of Critical Safety and Quality Equipment

In this episode we are going to focus on the validation requirements for critical safety and quality equipment, the sources of scientific information required to prove validation, and the verification actions within a safety and quality plan to assure successful regulatory and audit review of those requirements.

Validation of critical equipment in a butter factory. Close up of a conveyor line in a food manufacturing plant.

Episode 6: Regulatory Requirements and Challenge Studies

In this episode we are going to continue our look at validation and verification of critical equipment, and we are going to focus on regulatory requirements for food facilities for validation and verification as part of HACCP or Process Controls.

Close up of a metal detector conveyor to illustrate validating foreign material control equipment.

Episode 7: Validation and Verification of Metal Detectors and X-rays

In this episode you will learn how to properly validate foreign material control equipment, including a metal detector and an x-ray. In order to understand how to properly validate a metal detector or x-ray, we need to first explain the challenges.

Demonstrating validation and verification in a smoked sausage meat plant.

Episode 8: Validation and Verification in Quality and Safety Certification Programs

You are watching our video series on validation and verification, and in this video we are going to focus on the Quality Management System and GFSI requirements for performing these functions.

Factory worker holding a hose and spraying equipment to perform sanitation activities.

Episode 7: Sanitation

This video will provide you with the basics for properly cleaning and sanitizing your facility and equipment to protect operations from biological or chemical hazards.

Bottles of industrial chemicals on shelving.

Episode 6: Chemical Controls

In this video, we will discuss proper chemical controls in your facility. We will cover topics including: how to handle chemicals in a food facility, who should have access to chemicals and how to store and label chemicals to maintain proper GMPs.

A filing cabinet that is opened and a hand is pulling a document out of the drawer.

Episode 5: Document Control

Record keeping and document control are necessary activities in any food production operation. It is important to ensure all documented information is easily accessible to individuals who may need access to that information, and that all changes made to your program are well documented and the revisions are controlled.

someone washing their hands at a sink with very soapy hands.

Episode 4: Handwashing & Hygiene

In this training, we will cover topics including: personal hygiene for staff involved in the handling of food products, hazards associated with personal hygiene, why hand washing is so important in food safety, when hands should be washed, and how to properly wash hands.

A surveillance camera mounted to an industrial building outside.

Episode 3: Food Defense Plan

In this episode, we will consider potential security risks in your facility and the actions you can take to protect our food system. The FDA FSMA final rule issued in December 2013 requires facilities to assess their risk, implement mitigation strategies, and ensure those strategies are working as intended.

Bowls of food on a table containing allergens. Flour, egg, nuts, peanuts, milk, shellfish, soy

Episode 2: Allergens

This video offers important information for controlling allergens in your facility. Allergens are the number one reason for food safety recalls in the United States. Allergic reactions from unlabeled foods can cause severe illness, hospitalization, and even death.

Capa Corrective and Preventive Action paper written on a paper on a desk.

Episode 1: Corrective Actions & Preventive Actions

This video will provide you with essential information for controlling non-conformances in your facility and preventing recurrence. You must identify non-conformances and take actions to correct and prevent these issues from happening again.

Capa Corrective and Preventive Action paper written on a paper on a desk.

Episode 1: Corrective Actions & Preventive Actions

This video will provide you with essential information for controlling non-conformances in your facility and preventing recurrence. You must identify non-conformances and take actions to correct and prevent these issues from happening again.

Bowls of food on a table containing allergens. Flour, egg, nuts, peanuts, milk, shellfish, soy

Episode 2: Allergens

This video offers important information for controlling allergens in your facility. Allergens are the number one reason for food safety recalls in the United States. Allergic reactions from unlabeled foods can cause severe illness, hospitalization, and even death.

A surveillance camera mounted to an industrial building outside.

Episode 3: Food Defense Plan

In this episode, we will consider potential security risks in your facility and the actions you can take to protect our food system. The FDA FSMA final rule issued in December 2013 requires facilities to assess their risk, implement mitigation strategies, and ensure those strategies are working as intended.

someone washing their hands at a sink with very soapy hands.

Episode 4: Handwashing & Hygiene

In this training, we will cover topics including: personal hygiene for staff involved in the handling of food products, hazards associated with personal hygiene, why hand washing is so important in food safety, when hands should be washed, and how to properly wash hands.

A filing cabinet that is opened and a hand is pulling a document out of the drawer.

Episode 5: Document Control

Record keeping and document control are necessary activities in any food production operation. It is important to ensure all documented information is easily accessible to individuals who may need access to that information, and that all changes made to your program are well documented and the revisions are controlled.

Bottles of chemicals lined up on a shelf with labels on the bottles.

Episode 6: Chemical Controls

In this video, we will discuss proper chemical controls in your facility. We will cover topics including: how to handle chemicals in a food facility, who should have access to chemicals and how to store and label chemicals to maintain proper GMPs.

Man spraying chemicals on a machine in a food factory.

Episode 7: Sanitation

This video will provide you with the basics for properly cleaning and sanitizing your facility and equipment to protect operations from biological or chemical hazards.

Risk assessment to prevent trips and falls in food facilities. Person's foot is tripping over mat.

Episode 1: Foundations of Risk

In the first episode of Kellerman Consulting’s Risk Assessment in the Food Industry series, we discuss examples of risk assessment and risk management in our daily lives and how to perform risk assessment and risk management in a food facility.

Episode 2: Risk Assessments in the Food Facility

This episode looks at how to perform risk assessments in a food or food packaging facility, as well the types of risk assessments the safety and quality personnel may perform as they document those assessments.

Sweeping up spilled ingredients at a food facility.

Episode 3: Leadership in Risk Assessment

In the third episode of the series we examine the role leadership plays in development and implementation of documented risk assessments, as well as the follow up actions to make sure those risk assessments remain useful for the facility.

Risk Assessment barometer indicating low, medium, and high risk with the colors red, orange, and green. Large letters spelling out RISK.

Episode 4: Risk Assessments as Part of the Food Safety Program

During this episode we cover risk assessments as part of a food safety program, including what government regulators are looking for and how to conduct annual reviews of the completed risk assessments with the safety team.

A matrix indicating a risk assessment being performed, with Critical areas in red, high areas in orange, medium areas in yellow, and low areas in green.

Episode 5: Risk Assessment in GFSI Programs

For the final episode of Kellerman Consulting’s Risk Assessment in Food Businesses series, we discuss the risk assessment requirements in the major GFSI schemes: SQF, BRCGS, FSSC 22000, and PrimusGFS.

metal gears turning with the words, "audit, analysis, asset, review"

Episode 1: What An Internal Audit Is and Why You Should Perform Them

As an introduction to this video series, we examine what an internal audit is, what organizations should perform internal audits, how to properly and effectively perform an internal audit, and how to use the results of those internal audits to evaluate and improve the safety or quality management system.

Man wearing a suit jacket and a hard hat holding a clipboard in a storage warehouse. He appears to be performing an audit.

Episode 2: Setting up an Internal Audit

In the second episode of the internal audit video series, we review the most important aspects of internal auditing, all of which occur prior to performing the internal audit. Planning and preparation must occur prior to any internal audit in order to have a successful outcome.

A woman walking around a manufacturing facility performing an internal audit pointing to storage shelves.

Episode 3: Performing the Audit

During this episode we discuss how to perform the internal audit and best approaches during the audit to help achieve a successful outcome. A successful outcome of an internal audit does not mean that the organization passes the audit, but rather that the audit accurately reflects the state of the organization at the time of the audit.

Checklist being checked off with a pen during an internal audit.

Episode 4: Corrective and Preventive Actions for Audits

During this episode we discuss how to properly address non-conformances or opportunities for improvements discovered over the course of an internal audit. Corrective actions and preventive actions as a result of internal audits are a special circumstance and require a special review.

Drawing of internal audit components, including arrows pointing to the words: Communication, Testing, Risk, Procedure, System, and Scope.

Episode 5: Software Solutions for Internal Audits

When we look at the role software plays in auditing in the fifth episode of Kellerman Consulting’s internal audit video series, we are going to be focusing on the audit method, since this is where software provides the biggest benefit, as well as the biggest challenges.

Graphs in blue and white depicting charts that you would show during an internal audit.

Episode 6: Internal Auditing in Quality and Safety Certification Programs

In the final episode of this video series, we focus on the Quality Management System and GFSI requirements for internal auditing. ISO and GFSI programs operate on many similar programs and these schemes have a requirement to internal audit the program as part of yearly activities.

Woman holding a clipboard at a food factory and inspecting peppers.

Episode 1: Accountability & Core Values

We will set a framework in this video to help you create a culture of food safety in your operation. You will hear about how accountability is an essential part of building a culture of food safety by leadership and employees taking responsibility for actions and interactions in the facility.

Man in a food factory PPE inspecting produce on a conveyor.

Episode 2: Structure and Delegation

This video describes how to properly set up organizational structure, and emphasizes the importance of delegating tasks to assure a culture of food safety. The structure must be written down in the form of an organizational chart in order to have a culture of food safety. We offer strategies for effectively delegating tasks in this video.

A group of chefs in a kitchen high-fiving to celebrate food safety culture.

Episode 3: Key Metrics

The third video in our series expands on the culture of food safety with the introduction of key metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) within the facility and program. A key metric or performance indicator is something we measure within operations to determine if our process works, and if the organization is functioning.

A man and a woman standing together and inspecting equipment in a food factory to demonstrate food safety culture.

Episode 4: Transforming Your Meetings

In our fourth video in the Culture of Food Safety series, we provide you with simple strategies to help you transform your meetings into ones that meet the level required for a Culture of Food Safety.

Leadership walking through a hydroponic lettuce growing operation and inspecting produce.

Episode 5: The Walk-Through

One of the biggest takeaways that our food safety consultants have seen from working with over 650+ clients is that “The Walk-through” is an often overlooked tool, which if practiced with regularity, can significantly improve your food safety program.

A woman wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and smiling in a food safety testing lab.

Episode 6: Culture of Food Safety in GFSI

The final in our series examines the different ways each Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification program incorporates a Culture of Food Safety. This video will give you an idea of what these certification programs are looking for in regards to a Culture of Food Safety.

Someone using a phone to scan a produce barcode to demonstrate traceability.

Episode 1: The Importance of a Traceability Program

In the first video of the series, we begin by defining backward vs. forward traceability and discussing the importance of a traceability program.

Episode 2: Traceability During the Supplier Approval Process

In this episode we discuss what traceability information to collect during the supplier approval process, which materials to collect this information for, and why having this information will help you build a strong traceability system.

Traceability barcode scanning at a grocery store with a scanner.

Episode 3: Traceability During Receiving and Stock Rotation Practices

In the third episode of the Traceability in Food Businesses video series, we discuss what type of traceability information to document at the point of receipt for incoming materials, as well as the basics of proper stock rotation practices.

Traceability scanner being used in a greenhouse on produce.

Episode 4: Traceability During Work-in-Process and Rework

In the fourth episode of the Traceability in Food Businesses video series, we focus on traceability during processing and discuss the importance of using batch records. We also review the identification of both WIP and rework materials and how documenting the use of these materials is critical to a site’s traceability system.

Red apple with a bar code sticker showing traceability.

Episode 5: Tests of the Traceability System and Recall Program

In the fifth episode of the Traceability in Food Businesses video series, we discuss how and when to conduct a traceability exercise, as well as what to document as part of the exercise. We also review how trace exercises and mock recalls are different from one another, and the importance of testing both.

Episode 6: Traceability in GFSI

In the final episode of the series, we discuss the traceability and mock recall requirements for each of the major GFSI schemes: SQF, BRCGS, FSSC 22000, and PrimusGFS. Even if your facility does not operate under a GFSI scheme, this video includes helpful information for those considering implementing a best-in-class traceability program.

close up of hundreds of peanuts

Episode 1: Allergen Risk in Food Facilities

In Kellerman Consulting’s allergen series we focus on some of the difficult issues many facilities face when employing allergen controls in food and food packaging facilities. We cover some basic background information about allergens, and standard criteria used to determine how large of an allergen program is appropriate for a facility.

a jar of peanut butter with a spoon on a wooden table with peanuts scattered.

Episode 2: How Allergens are Controlled in Food Facilities

This video offers important information for controlling In the second episode of Kellerman Consulting’s video series, we review the different controls that can be applied to allergens in the facility and how those controls can work together to assure all of the risks associated with allergen contamination and mislabeling are reduced or your facility. Allergens are the number one reason for food safety recalls in the United States. Allergic reactions from unlabeled foods can cause severe illness, hospitalization, and even death.

Episode 3: Monitoring Allergens in Operation

In Kellerman Consulting’s third episode of the Allergen series, we look at the main ways that allergen verification is achieved for a valid allergen control program. The first verification activity is the allergen assessment in the facility. This is a practice that should be done by all facilities, regardless of whether they determine themselves to be low risk, medium risk or high risk.

Episode 4: Allergens in HACCP Plans and Preventive Controls Food Safety Plan

During the fourth video of Kellerman Consulting’s Allergen series, we will be reviewing allergens in the hazard analysis as part of preventive controls-based food safety plans as well as allergens in HACCP plans.

Episode 5: Allergen Programs in GFSI

Allergen controls are mandatory requirements for each GFSI scheme. All facilities must have assessed the risks allergens pose, identified controls for those risks and conducted training to all production staff on the basics of allergens and the risks they cause to those who are allergic.

Forklift transporting stacked white food ingredient bags in a warehouse

Episode 1: Foundations of the Supplier Approval

In episode one of Kellerman Consulting’s Supplier Approval video series, we describe the process of establishing and managing food manufacturer supply chains.

holding a traceability scanning device and aiming it at a barcode in a cold storage facility.

Episode 2: Understanding the Types of Suppliers

Episode two reviews basic classifications of suppliers and the challenges associated with assessing these different types of operations for potential food safety hazards as part of the supplier approval process.

Episode 3: Regulatory Requirements for Supplier Approval Programs

This episode reviews the regulatory requirements a facility has if they are a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) facility or a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) facility.

Episode 4: Foreign Supplier Verification Programs for Importers

In the fourth episode we continue our discussion on regulatory review and focus on the Foreign Supplier Verification Program requirements for imports, and what to expect where the FDA regulates and inspects those imports.

Episode 5: Documentation Assessments and Supplier Reassessments

Episode five explores the process of selecting suppliers for your facility and emphasizes the importance of collecting legal and food safety documentation from the supplier.

Episode 6: Software Solutions in Supplier Assessment Programs

In the sixth episode of Kellerman Consulting’s Supplier Approval Program video series we discuss how different types of software solutions may be used to assist in document collection to efficiently and securely store documents.

person checking off a checklist in a kitchen with produce on the table.

Episode 7: Supplier Approval in GFSI

In this episode we discuss the supplier approval requirements in the major GFSI schemes including: SQF, BRCGS, FSSC 22000, and PrimusGFS. Since all food safety programs must have basic controls over the safety of food or food packaging produced, each of the major GFSI schemes require the highest standards for supplier approval programs.

Episode 1: An Introduction to Environmental Monitoring Programs

Let’s begin with the basics of implementing and operating an environmental monitoring program for food and food packaging facilities. To do so, we start with what an environmental monitoring program is for, and what the first steps are in setting the program up.

red food borne illness pathogens under a microscope.

Episode 2: Deciding How Often to Perform Environmental Monitoring

In Kellerman Consulting’s second episode of the Environmental Monitoring Program video series, we focus on determining how frequently a facility should swab for environmental pathogens or quality organisms in the facility.

Food borne illness pathogens under a microscope in blue.

Episode 3: Conducting Environmental Monitoring

In this episode we look at where to get environmental swabs, where to use environmental swabs, how to swab, how often to swab, and what to do with the results.

A petri dish with red lines and dots from a food pathogen.

Episode 4: Swabbing Drains in Environmental Monitoring

For facilities with established environmental monitoring programs, drains present a unique challenge and opportunity to monitor for organisms, and thinking through the approach to including or excluding drains from the swabbing schedule is important.

red food borne illness pathogens under a microscope.

Episode 5: Complex Swabbing Patterns

We continue our look at advanced practices in environmental monitoring in the 5th episode of this video series. We need to look at strategies and patterns for swabbing to assure that we are successful in tracking down pathogens, and to eradicate them before they get near areas where equipment or product is at risk.

Episode 6: Environmental Swabbing in Meat and Poultry Facilities (FSIS)

In this video series we have focused on how to build an effective environmental monitoring program for food and food packaging facilities. Regulatory oversight in these programs often occur during infrequent visits that are conducted annually, or even less frequently. One major exception are facilities under FSIS jurisdiction, in which regular oversight occurs, often every day.

A person wearing protective equipment and checking a tank in a food factory.

Episode 7: How to Handle the Discovery of Pathogens in the Facility

In this episode we turn our attention to what to do when swabbing uncovers the presence of pathogens or spoilage organisms in the facility.

A person in a laboratory examining a petri dish for pathogens. Looking for food safety issues.

Episode 8: Quality Issues in EMP Programs

In episode eight of Kellerman Consulting’s Environmental Monitoring Program video series, we shift our attention to indicator testing and quality testing, which have different requirements than pathogen testing.

Yellow petri dish on a laboratory table.

Episode 9: Environmental Monitoring in GFSI Programs

Each of the major GFSI programs, SQF, BRC, FSSC 22000 and PrimusGFS programs all require fully implemented environmental monitoring programs to be in place as part of the safety and quality programs, including risk assessments justifying the approach taken in the facility.

Episode 1: Introduction to Preventive Maintenance

In Kellerman Consulting’s video series on preventive maintenance and repair in safety and quality programs, we identify the differences between preventing equipment breakdown and addressing breakdown when it occurs within an operational program.

Man scratching his face and he appears to be thinking about preventive maintenance or repairs in a factory setting. He is looking a clip board and wearing a safety vest with a hard hat.

Episode 2: Maintenance & Repair for New Equipment

In this episode we start at the beginning of the life of equipment within a facility. As anyone who has worked in a manufacturing facility knows, repair of equipment frequently starts before the equipment is ever used.

Episode 3: Ongoing Preventive Maintenance

In this episode we look closely at preventive maintenance to prevent equipment breakdown. Preventive maintenance is important to avoid expensive and possibly critical breakdowns of equipment in operations, and it is also an important part of demonstrating control in a functioning quality and safety management system.

Episode 4: Ongoing Repair

In this episode of Kellerman Consulting’s Maintenance and Repair series, we look at properly performing and documenting repairs as part of the safety program, and as part of the non-conformance and corrective action program.

Episode 5: Worker Safety & Chemical Control

In this episode we review some basics in chemical control and worker safety practices for maintenance and repair, and how to enforce those in the safety and quality management system.

Capa Corrective and Preventive Action paper written on a paper on a desk.

Episodio 1: Acciones Correctivas y Acciones Preventivas

Bowls of food on a table containing allergens. Flour, egg, nuts, peanuts, milk, shellfish, soy

Episodio 2: AlÉrgenos

A surveillance camera mounted to an industrial building outside.

Episodio 3: Defensa Alimentaria

someone washing their hands at a sink with very soapy hands.

Episodio 4: Lavado de Manos e Higiene

A filing cabinet that is opened and a hand is pulling a document out of the drawer.

Episodio 5: Control de Documentos

Bottles of industrial chemicals on shelving.

Episodio 6: Control Químico

Factory worker holding a hose and spraying equipment to perform sanitation activities.

Episodio 7: Saneamiento

Two men sitting and looking at a laptop at a coffee roasting food manufacturing facility.

Episode 1: Problematic Events in the Facility

Problematic events in a food facility can be categorized by process deviations and facility problems. Process deviations are instances of undesirable results that deviate from your normal operating procedures or product specifications. Facility problems, on the other hand, can be described as problematic events caused by failures of the facility, equipment, or even employees working in the establishment.

CAPA Corrective and Preventive Action paper with a person's hands holding a pen

Episode 2: Root Cause Analysis, Corrective Actions and Preventive Actions

In Kellerman Consulting’s second episode of the CAPA video series, we discuss the differences between corrections, corrective actions, and preventive actions. We also focus on the importance of conducting a root cause analysis as part of your CAPA program in order to implement sustainable procedural changes and ensure long term success of the actions taken.

Two female food factory employees looking at a clipboard.

Episode 3: Documenting Non-Conformances, Root Cause Analyses, Corrections, Corrective Actions, and Preventive Actions

In Kellerman Consulting’s third episode of the CAPA video series, we talk about how to properly document a root cause analysis investigation, corrections, corrective actions, and preventive actions. Additionally, we review why proper documentation of a CAPA program, and the communication of these events are so critical to an organization’s food safety culture.

Employee Disciplinary Action Form with violation check boxes, sitting on a table with a black pen.

Episode 4: Deviations Involving Key Metrics

In the fourth installment of Kellerman Consulting’s Corrective and Preventive Action video series, we discuss deviations involving key metrics. In our Culture of Food Safety video series, we cover key metrics, or key performance indicators (KPIs), and how the routine monitoring of these metrics provides an organization’s leadership with a means of measuring the performance of the business.

A man wearing a suit pointing to the letters KPI in large bold font, which stands for Key Performance Indicator.

Episode 5: Impunity and Disciplinary Actions in CAPA Programs

In the fifth installment of the Corrective and Preventive Action video series, we discuss impunity and disciplinary actions as part of a facility’s CAPA program. Deviations or nonconformances caused by an employee error or failure to follow an established procedure is a common occurrence in a food facility; however, because of their nature, these types of nonconformances must be handled differently than process or equipment related deviations.

Diagram of a root cause analysis on a piece of paper with an arrow pointing right with many branches to identify root cause.

Episode 6: Management and Auditing of the CAPA Program

In the sixth installment of the Kellerman Consulting Corrective and Preventive Action video series, we discuss management and auditing of the CAPA program. Internal audits and management reviews of programs and policies are a nonnegotiable part of a culture of food safety, but it is particularly important for the success of the CAPA program.

Woman holding her hand to her head wearing a hair net in a food industry factory with corrugated boxes all around her.

Episode 7: CAPA Programs in GFSI

In the final episode of the Kellerman Consulting CAPA video series, we discuss the key components of a CAPA program for each of the major GFSI schemes: SQF, BRCGS, FSSC 22000, and PrimusGFS. Even if you do not operate under a GFSI program at your facility, this video provides important information for those considering implementing a high-level CAPA program into their organization.

Episode 6: Preventive Maintenance & Repair in Quality & Safety Certification Programs

In this video we focus on the Quality Management System and GFSI requirements for preventive maintenance and repair activities.

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Food related

ISO Free Risk Assessment Guide

Download this free ISO Risk Assessment download to help guide you in writing your own risk assessments that are tailored to your operation.

Master Manufacturing Record Checklist Procedure

Download this Master Manufacturing Record Checklist to help you organize the required forms and records for each Dietary Supplement batch.

Master Manufacturing Record Checklist Free Download

Download this Master Manufacturing Record Checklist to help you organize the required forms and records for each Dietary Supplement batch.

KPI Tracking Spreadsheet

Download the free Key Performance Indicator (KPI) spreadsheet and start tracking them today!

Verification & Validation Log Procedure

Download this Verification and Validation Log Procedure to use as an instruction guide to help you complete your Validation and Verification Assessment Log

Validation & Verification Assessment Log

Download this Verification and Validation Log and utilize it as a method of reassessment. The reassessment is performed in accordance with the Food Safety Scheme the Food Manufacturer, Distributor, or Agency it is operating beneath.

Free Food Safety & Quality A-Z Acronym Download

Use this free guide to help you learn common food safety & quality terms.

Free FSMA Checklist Download

Your Free FSMA Checklist helps you:

Implement the FSMA federal regulation requirements of part 117-Current Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Hazard Analysis, & Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Food of the FDA food code.

Root Cause Analysis Download

Use this Root Cause Analysis Form (based on the 5-Why Method) to assist your team in investigating the root cause of a nonconformance and documenting the follow up actions to ensure effectiveness.

Hold and Release Log

Use this Hold & Release Log to document the status of products, equipment, or materials placed on hold, as well as the justification for releasing or rejecting quarantined items.

Hold Tag With Codes

A Hold Tag is used to identify products, equipment, or materials that are placed on hold while pending a CAPA investigation. The use of Hold Classification Codes eliminates confusion around why the item is quarantined

Fishbone Diagram

A Fishbone Diagram is a great tool for determining or identifying the root cause of a deviation by looking at various angles of potential causes.

Bioproducts EZ Reach Swab Instructions

Bioproducts Pur-Blue Swab Instructions

Environmental Monitoring Program Swab Location Guide

Supplier Approval Document Guide

Your Supplier Approval Guide Includes a list of documents to request from suppliers. Suggested levels of priority for obtaining these documents.

Batch Record Form

Use this form for each production batch and maintain the completed forms with your traceability records.

Mock Recall Form

Gather your recall team. Perform a traceability exercise. Document the results and any corrective actions. 

Culture of Food Safety Employee Survey

Customize your free Culture of Food Safety employee survey download. For facilities operating under a GFSI Scheme, this may help satisfy requirements of your GFSI program.

Culture of Food Safety Assessment

Take our free culture of food safety assessment and we will email you the results so you can start the conversation with your team about improving or sustaining the culture of food safety in your facility.

Internal Audit Readiness Checklist

Download your internal audit readiness checklist to help you plan for your internal audit. This document outlines the key steps that you don’t want to miss.

Risk Assessment Table Worksheet

A more complex risk assessment tool

One Page Risk Assessment Worksheet

A simplified way to assess risk

Corrective Action & Preventive Actions (CAPA) Training Log

Keep a detailed record of food safety training given to your employees. 

Corrective Action & Preventive Actions (CAPA) Quiz

Watch the CAPA video and download the CAPA quiz and give it to your employees to help satisfy FDA food safety training requirements.

Internal Audit Template

Use this free internal audit template to document your findings during your internal audit. Customize this template with the appropriate audit criteria to prepare for your internal audit.

Prueba de saneamiento

Cuestionario sobre controles químicos

Cuestionario de control de documentos

Cuestionario sobre higiene y lavado de manos

Cuestionario sobre el plan de defensa alimentaria

Prueba de alérgenos

Cuestionario sobre acciones correctivas y acciones preventivas

Sanitation Training Log

Chemical Controls Training Log

Document Control Training Log

Handwashing & Hygiene Training Log

Food Defense Plan Training Log

Allergens Training Log

Corrective Actions & Preventive Actions Answer Key

Sanitation Quiz

Chemical Controls Quiz

Document Control Quiz

Handwashing & Hygiene Quiz

Food Defense Plan Quiz

Allergens Quiz

Allergen List

Download a list of allergens for the U.S., Canada, and the E.U.

Allergen Label

Download and print your allergen labels to help you identify and clearly mark allergens in your facility.

Allergen Changeover Matrix

Use this free allergen changeover matrix to help you schedule production to avoid cross contamination of allergens.

Preventive Maintenance Downloads

Download your free Preventive Maintenance Schedule, Preventive Maintenance Log, and Incidental Maintenance Log.

Questions about costs, timelines and requirements?

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation

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