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Allergens Free Training Videos & Related Free Resources

In Kellerman Consulting’s allergen series, we are going to focus on some of the difficult issues many facilities face when employing allergen controls in food and food packaging facilities.

Once we look at the varying risks allergens pose, we will explore operational strategies for identifying, organizing, and monitoring allergens to assure a facility can demonstrate compliance during regulatory inspection or certification audits.

close up of hundreds of peanuts

Episode 1: Allergen Risk in Food Facilities

In Kellerman Consulting’s allergen series we focus on some of the difficult issues many facilities face when employing allergen controls in food and food packaging facilities. We cover some basic background information about allergens, and standard criteria used to determine how large of an allergen program is appropriate for a facility.

a jar of peanut butter with a spoon on a wooden table with peanuts scattered.

Episode 2: How Allergens are Controlled in Food Facilities

This video offers important information for controlling In the second episode of Kellerman Consulting’s video series, we review the different controls that can be applied to allergens in the facility and how those controls can work together to assure all of the risks associated with allergen contamination and mislabeling are reduced or your facility. Allergens are the number one reason for food safety recalls in the United States. Allergic reactions from unlabeled foods can cause severe illness, hospitalization, and even death.

Episode 3: Monitoring Allergens in Operation

In Kellerman Consulting’s third episode of the Allergen series, we look at the main ways that allergen verification is achieved for a valid allergen control program. The first verification activity is the allergen assessment in the facility. This is a practice that should be done by all facilities, regardless of whether they determine themselves to be low risk, medium risk or high risk.

Episode 4: Allergens in HACCP Plans and Preventive Controls Food Safety Plan

During the fourth video of Kellerman Consulting’s Allergen series, we will be reviewing allergens in the hazard analysis as part of preventive controls-based food safety plans as well as allergens in HACCP plans.

Episode 5: Allergen Programs in GFSI

Allergen controls are mandatory requirements for each GFSI scheme. All facilities must have assessed the risks allergens pose, identified controls for those risks and conducted training to all production staff on the basics of allergens and the risks they cause to those who are allergic.

Allergens Free Downloads

Utilize Kellerman Consulting’s free allergen resources to help you implement allergen controls in your food or food packaging facility.  Ensure that you are labeling allergens and scheduling production to avoid dangerous cross contamination of allergens.

Allergen List

Download a list of allergens for the U.S., Canada, and the E.U.

Allergen Label

Download and print your allergen labels to help you identify and clearly mark allergens in your facility.

Allergen Changeover Matrix

Use this free allergen changeover matrix to help you schedule production to avoid cross contamination of allergens.

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