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Free Food Safety Training Videos & Downloads

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Select a topic below to watch our free food safety training videos, download free food safety system resources, or become a client and access a package of employee food safety training videos, quizzes, and training logs that are not publicly available – at no additional cost in both English and Spanish.

Food Safety Training Videos & Quizzes for Clients

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that every individual involved with food manufacturing, food storage, food packing and food processing complete food safety training under the supervision of someone with the education and experience necessary to produce safe food.  

Kellerman Consulting has created a package of basic food safety training videos, quizzes, and training logs which we include for no additional cost with every client project in both English and Spanish.

Once you become a client you will be emailed a link to access this set of resources.

Capa Corrective and Preventive Action paper written on a paper on a desk.

Episode 1: Corrective Actions & Preventive Actions

This video will provide you with essential information for controlling non-conformances in your facility and preventing recurrence. You must identify non-conformances and take actions to correct and prevent these issues from happening again.

Bowls of food on a table containing allergens. Flour, egg, nuts, peanuts, milk, shellfish, soy

Episode 2: Allergens

This video offers important information for controlling allergens in your facility. Allergens are the number one reason for food safety recalls in the United States. Allergic reactions from unlabeled foods can cause severe illness, hospitalization, and even death.

A surveillance camera mounted to an industrial building outside.

Episode 3: Food Defense Plan

In this episode, we will consider potential security risks in your facility and the actions you can take to protect our food system. The FDA FSMA final rule issued in December 2013 requires facilities to assess their risk, implement mitigation strategies, and ensure those strategies are working as intended.

someone washing their hands at a sink with very soapy hands.

Episode 4: Handwashing & Hygiene

In this training, we will cover topics including: personal hygiene for staff involved in the handling of food products, hazards associated with personal hygiene, why hand washing is so important in food safety, when hands should be washed, and how to properly wash hands.

A filing cabinet that is opened and a hand is pulling a document out of the drawer.

Episode 5: Document Control

Record keeping and document control are necessary activities in any food production operation. It is important to ensure all documented information is easily accessible to individuals who may need access to that information, and that all changes made to your program are well documented and the revisions are controlled.

Bottles of chemicals lined up on a shelf with labels on the bottles.

Episode 6: Chemical Controls

In this video, we will discuss proper chemical controls in your facility. We will cover topics including: how to handle chemicals in a food facility, who should have access to chemicals and how to store and label chemicals to maintain proper GMPs.

Man spraying chemicals on a machine in a food factory.

Episode 7: Sanitation

This video will provide you with the basics for properly cleaning and sanitizing your facility and equipment to protect operations from biological or chemical hazards.

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Food Safety Training Quizzes & Training Logs for All Personnel

Each food safety training video for all personnel is accompanied by a quiz and a training log in both English and Spanish.  

Topics include: Allergens, Handwashing & Hygiene, Corrective Action & Preventive Actions (CAPA), Food Defense Plan, Document Control, Chemical Controls, and Sanitation.  

The CAPA video, quiz, and training log are available for free in English and the full series are available at no additional cost to our clients in both English and Spanish.

Corrective Action & Preventive Actions (CAPA) Training Log

Keep a detailed record of food safety training given to your employees. 

Corrective Action & Preventive Actions (CAPA) Quiz

Watch the CAPA video and download the CAPA quiz and give it to your employees to help satisfy FDA food safety training requirements.

Questions about costs, timelines and requirements?

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