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Risk Assessment Video Series & Related Free Resources

Throughout this free risk assessment video series, you will learn how to write a risk assessment,  different formatting options for risk assessments, where risk assessment is required as part of food safety and quality activities, and how they are used in GFSI programs.

We will also address where risk assessments may be useful for business decisions, the employees who should participate in risk assessments in the facility, and how risk assessments are reviewed and updated based on scheduling and changing circumstances

Risk assessment to prevent trips and falls in food facilities. Person's foot is tripping over mat.

Episode 1: Foundations of Risk

In the first episode of Kellerman Consulting’s Risk Assessment in the Food Industry series, we discuss examples of risk assessment and risk management in our daily lives and how to perform risk assessment and risk management in a food facility.

Episode 2: Risk Assessments in the Food Facility

This episode looks at how to perform risk assessments in a food or food packaging facility, as well the types of risk assessments the safety and quality personnel may perform as they document those assessments.

Sweeping up spilled ingredients at a food facility.

Episode 3: Leadership in Risk Assessment

In the third episode of the series we examine the role leadership plays in development and implementation of documented risk assessments, as well as the follow up actions to make sure those risk assessments remain useful for the facility.

Risk Assessment barometer indicating low, medium, and high risk with the colors red, orange, and green. Large letters spelling out RISK.

Episode 4: Risk Assessments as Part of the Food Safety Program

During this episode we cover risk assessments as part of a food safety program, including what government regulators are looking for and how to conduct annual reviews of the completed risk assessments with the safety team.

A matrix indicating a risk assessment being performed, with Critical areas in red, high areas in orange, medium areas in yellow, and low areas in green.

Episode 5: Risk Assessment in GFSI Programs

For the final episode of Kellerman Consulting’s Risk Assessment in Food Businesses series, we discuss the risk assessment requirements in the major GFSI schemes: SQF, BRCGS, FSSC 22000, and PrimusGFS.

Download Your Free Risk Assessment Worksheets

Your Risk Assessment worksheets help you record your risk assessment and the rationale associated with the facility choosing to review specific potential hazards and impacts on product safety and quality. The product safety and quality risk analysis are completed based on Severity and Probability of a potential problem.

Risk Assessment Table Worksheet

A more complex risk assessment tool

One Page Risk Assessment Worksheet

A simplified way to assess risk

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