Changes to BRCGS Global Standard Packaging Materials Issue 7 Audit Expectations
Changes to BRCGS Global Standard Packaging Materials Issue 7 Audit Expectations
BRCGS Global Standard Packaging Materials Issue 7 was published October 28th, 2024.
BRCGS certification audits against Global Standard Packaging Materials Issue 7 start in April
2025. Start now to prepare for this BRCGS update.

Follow these steps to prepare for your upcoming BRCGS Packaging Materials Issue 7 audit:
- Starting October 28th, 2024 BRCGS Packaging Materials issue 7 is available for
download from the BRCGS store. It is a requirement that all suppliers undergoing a
BRCGS audit to the Global Standard Packaging Materials have an official copy of the
standard. - Review the Key BRCGS Global Standard Packaging Materials issue 7 changes
summarized below. 167 clauses have been changed in this new issue. - Â If you would like assistance from a BRCGS consulting team who has successfully
helped our clients write and implement BRCGS Global Standard Packaging Materials
programs, contact us for your free 30 minute consultation at: (800) 535-1376 or
Key Changes in BRCGS Global Standard Packaging Materials
Issue 7
Updates to Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment- Revisions were made to this section in
order to more clearly align with Codex Alimentarius. The specific requirements for this are
clearly documented in the subclauses.
Product Safety Culture- Enhanced requirements for the development, implementation, and
auditing for product safety culture.
Management of Outsourced Processes- Clarification on outsourced activities. There are now
requirements added to ensure outside processes are agreed upon, documented, and are
reviewed within the HARA plan.
Allergen Management- Requirement for an allergen risk assessment and when allergens are
identified, implement appropriate controls and training for personnel.
Traceability- Clarification on testing of the traceability system has been given in this BRCGS
Global Standard Packaging Materials Issue 7 and emphasis has been given to the importance
of traceability exercises.
Single Use Disposable Products- Single use products, such as paper cups and napkins are
now included with this BRCGS Global Standard Packaging Materials certification standard.