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Episode 3: Key Metrics

Episode 3: Key Metrics

Culture of Food Safety

We are continuing our series on a culture of food safety for the food manufacturing and logistics industries with our third video. These videos are free educational resources for food businesses.

The third video in our series expands on the culture of food safety with the introduction of key metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) within the facility and program. For those of you who have worked in QMS, ISO or GFSI programs these concepts may be familiar.

A group of chefs in a kitchen high-fiving to celebrate food safety culture.

A key metric or performance indicator is something we measure within operations to determine if our process works, and if the organization is functioning. While Key metrics and KPIs are less common for smaller operations, they are crucial for properly setting a Culture of Food Safety. We will describe in this video how to go about setting key metrics for your food business.

It is important that key metrics are tracked consistently, and that they fit into management’s decision making in regard to operations set up, structure, delegation and ultimately on how we evaluate our core values.

Our next video in the series will incorporate key metrics and we will discuss how to use the foundation of a Culture of Food safety to transform your meetings. Subscribe to our channel on YouTube or follow us on LinkedIn for more educational food safety videos.

Watch the Culture of Food Safety Video Series & Related Free Resources
